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NEW RELEASE - The Ghost on Firefly Lane

Hooray!! Pamela McCord is releasing Book #2 of her Pekin Dewlap Mystery series today. We're so excited! If you haven't read Book #1, The Haunting of Elmwood Manor, you should. The Italian rights were sold and it's currently being translated for release in Italy! Congrats Pamela!!

A heartbroken ghost searches in vain for her baby. Pekin Dewlap and her best friends Scout and Amber are hired to help her spirit go into the light by the kindhearted homeowners who’ve grown fond of the crying ghost. The teens move into the house while their clients are on a cruise, and their first order of business is to find out the ghost’s identity. A neighbor is able to provide the name of the house’s last owner, and the story of how his wife died in childbirth. Now, armed with the ghost’s name, along with those of her husband and baby daughter, it’s time to set the ghost free.

However, it isn’t as easy as the kids expect. First, Lily the ghost doesn’t seem to be aware of their presence, and when she finally “sees” them, she becomes angry and destructive. The Ghosties track down Lily’s husband and daughter to ask for their help, but much to their surprise, their invitation is met with hostility. The father has secrets of his own that he must protect.

If Pekin and her friends can’t convince the father to help them, they may never be able to set Lily free, and send her into the light.

Grab your copy today!

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