COVER REVEAL - Constant Gray by Ryan Taylor
What a wonderful day to reveal the dark and apocalyptic cover of CONSTANT GRAY by Acorn author Ryan Taylor.
It's the end of the world... Or at least it was. The apocalypse has come and gone in all its horror and glory. Now, God and Satan have foregone the battlefield, and powerful allies have been left to their own devices. The earth is divided. On one half, the sun never sets and the scorched earth burns eternally. The other half is a landscape of doomed darkness where demons lurk around every corner. The scale is tipped in this ruined world. Unfortunately, not in favor of the righteous. After being released from years of torture underground, Khadim emerges and embarks upon this wasted planet unaware of his fate. He is meant for something much greater than himself. He doesn't know it yet, but he is destined to bring balance. In other words, some guy is going to kick a lot of ass and save everyone... Whether he wants to or not.