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Meet Our Newest Author: Roger L. Liles!

Holly first discovered Roger at a read & critique where he read his first chapter aloud. Impressed by his work, she approached him, and I found the two of them at a table discussing his book shortly after.

Roger ended up giving Holly a printed copy to take home. Apparently, Holly wasn't the only one who found it interesting. Later that night she found her boyfriend engrossed in the story, unable to put it down.

We are beyond thrilled Roger has chosen to sign with us. He is a treasure. The personal life experience he has in the military, and the fact that he can use that experience in his writing, gives his story such depth. We can't wait for the release of his debut novel, The Berlin Tunnel (1960-1961).

Welcome to Acorn, Roger!

Roger L. Liles is an admitted over educated bibliophile who decided he had to earn a living after BA and graduate studies in Modern European History; he went back to school and eventually earned an MS in Engineering from USC.

In the 1960s, he was stationed in Turkey and Germany for five years as a US Air Force Signals Intelligence Officer; and, eventually lived in Europe for almost 8 years. He worked in the military electronics field for forty years—his main function was to translate engineering jargon into understandable English and communicate it to senior decision makers in the US government.

Now retired, he spends most of his time writing novels, but also dotes over his collectables including a huge library which contains almost a thousand leather bound books; some from as early as the 16th century.

THE BERLIN TUNNEL (1960-1961) will be released through Acorn later this year.

During the Cold War, a tunnel was built by British MI-6 and the CIA to tap into a message cable in East Berlin with the hopes of intercepting and exploiting communications with Russia. The Berlin Tunnel is based on this historic event.

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In the height of the Cold War, American Air Force Captain Robert Kerr finds himself in a divided Berlin awash with spies who move freely between the East and West. His task—build a TOP SECRET tunnel under the River Spree into East Berlin—tap into highly classified communications links between civilian and military leaders in Russia and the Warsaw Pact countries.


Love couldn’t have found him at a worse time.

Soon after he arrives, Robert falls for a German girl, Anna Fischer. Nasty East German Secret Police harass them both constantly, intent on determining what Robert and his work crew are doing in Berlin, but it’s Anna who gets caught in the crossfire.


The wall is closed, trapping 19 million East Germans including Anna’s entire family behind the Iron Curtain. As the world holds its collective breath over the Berlin Crisis, Robert and Anna fight for their lives as they attempt to free her family.

For more info on Roger's release, sign up for our Acorn Publishing newsletter!

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