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COVER REVEAL - My Name is Rose

It may be icy and chilly outside, but this cover is in full bloom! We and Author Alexa Kingaard want to put a little spring in your step with this one! We are so excited to present to you the cover of her latest novel MY NAME IS ROSE. It's beautiful!



Rose is unsettled, curious, and bored. Life in a hippie commune is her parent's dream come true, not hers. She doesn't share their passion for living off the land, nor does she enjoy the isolation that is thrust upon her. When she convinces them to send her to public school in the nearby town, a new world opens up to her.

As she pursues her education, Rose chooses a different path, leaving her parents heartbroken at her insistence they are hiding something from her. She's convinced her father isn't the man her mother married.

Although she finds love far away from her roots and upbringing, her wounds only deepen as she keeps her family at arm’s length. What she loses during those years can only be retrieved with her understanding that “a Rose by any other name is still a Rose.”

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