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RELEASE DAY - Blood Money

Chris Riedel's Blood Money comes out today! This white collar, true crime thriller is sure to have you flipping pages to the very end!

Blood Money

by Chris Riedel

BLOOD MONEY is the true legal thriller of a terrifying David vs. Goliath fight against massive healthcare fraud by a brave Whistleblower. It includes attempted murder, extortion, money-laundering, fraudsters hiding money in the Cayman Islands, gold buried in a storage container in a CEO’s backyard, an Assistant Attorney General sabotaging her state’s case, and a corrupt Governor torpedoing litigation by his own Attorney General. From Silicon Valley to the Sunshine State, in a showdown that reads like a Hollywood movie, Chris Riedel survives to share it all. His actions have resulted in more than $550 million in settlements and a court verdict... and counting.


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